SILENT™ Ceiling
Colored sound absorbing tiles for false ceiling

Decho-Trend-logo Colored acoustic tiles for traditional modular false ceilings


SILENT™ Ceiling is a system for acoustic correction of indoor environments, characterized by an extremely simple installation method and an incredible aesthetic effect.
SILENT™ Ceiling panels are conceived to replace traditional tiles in existing modular false ceilings, often present in offices and public contexts.
The standard dimensions of Ceiling modules are 590 x 590 e 595 x 595 mm, compatible with almost all main modular systems T24 and T15 available in the market today.
It consists in removing the old tiles, usually made of painted mineral fibre, plasterboard or metal sheets, just leaded on the modular support, and replacing them with the new Ceiling modules, made of colored ecologic polyester fibre.  
SILENT™ Ceiling are realized with freestanding slabs 12 mm thick, highly strong, durable and stable over time.
The special texture of panel surfaces made of thermo-smoothed polyester fibre, together with the wide range of colours available, grant a perfect result for acoustic treatments, not only in terms of functionality, but also from the visual effects point of view.
In order to realize a new modular false ceiling using Ceiling modules, it is possible to use common false ceiling prefabricated structures 600 x 600 mm, T24 or T15 type, available in any DIY store.






SILENT™ Ceiling panels for ceiling are made of Polythene (100% ecologic polyester fiber)

The production process of Polythene requires the spinning and thermal compression of polyester colored fibers, compressed into semi-rigid and freestanding slabs, with an internal highly porous composition, in order to obtain high acoustic efficiency.
The material coloring is directly made during the paste production, and grants Polythene a deep dyeing and intense color rendering, enriched by a material texture of surfaces with a pleasant tactile and visual effect.

The advantages of Polythene polyester:
Ecological: 100% recyclable polyester and high percentage recycled
Fire-retardant: 100% fireproof polyester
Aesthetic: Incredible visual appeal of the material and strong perceived quality
Performing: High acoustic performances
Lightweight: Weight per square meter extremely low and under 2,5 kg/sqm in the 12 mm thickness version
Freestanding: Linear slabs even in lower thickness, thanks to the structural and self-supporting property of the internal fibrous pattern
Strong: Totally stable and unalterable over time, does not fear the moisture
Hygienic: Odorless, fireproof, durable, resistant to microorganisms and bacteria, does not contain artificial vitreous fibers


The modular false ceiling consists in a planar and continuous horizontal surface, supported by a fixing-joint assembled structure, hidden or visible, and usually realized with a regular square dimension 60 x 60 cm.
The structural frame is usually made of steel, aluminium or plastic materials, and it is conceived to host infill panels, commonly called tiles.
The structural frame is fixed to the ceiling with anchors, selected in accordance with the type of support (hollow or solid bricks, concrete etc.) and suspended with adjustable systems, such as common steel cables or steel bars to regulate the structure height with metallic clamps. As an alternative, the suspension can be realized with bolted threaded rods or stainless steel cables with clamps.
The lower part of this structure is made to host the infill tiles installed with click systems or simply leaned, and consists in a sort of inverted T available in two standard commercial widths 15 and 24 mm, named T15 and T24.
T15 supporting structure with leaned panels
T24 supporting structure with leaned panels

Prefabricated supporting structures for false ceilings T15 and T24

There may be several reasons for choosing a prefabricated modular false ceiling, both for aesthetic or functional purposes.
For example, one of the aesthetic reasons could be the necessity of covering old and damaged ceilings, a common need while renovating a building.
Considering the functional aspects, the reasons to choose modular false ceilings are many, but the most common motivation is the possibility to realize continuous horizontal partitions with specific thermal and sound insulating features.
Moreover, if the infill tiles used for false ceilings are made of fibrous or alveolar material, with no reflective surfaces, the ceiling gains the additional value of sound absorber, useful to reduce acoustic reverb in indoor spaces.
Finally, considering plant necessities, the presence of an empty space between ceiling and false ceiling is very important to place cables, raceways, and pipelines for electric systems, lightings, thermal devices, air conditioning, fire prevention components and networking equipment. The installation and even the maintenance of all these components in a false ceiling, is easier and faster if compared to standard ceilings where it is necessary to perforate and drill the supports to collocate them.
The interspace upon the false ceiling has also a thermal insulating effect and reduces the sound propagation, resulting in an overall higher level of thermal and sound insulating ceiling efficiency.
Another positive aspect of this type of false ceiling is its simplicity to be disassembled in case of transformation of spaces, since it doesn’t require invasive demolition interventions.
Therefore, both in case of new construction or in case of renovation of old building and spaces, the use of modular suspended false ceilings represents the ideal technical solution to renew environments in a rapid and cost-effective way.
Modular false ceilings are mainly suitable for interventions in spaces for commercial activities, offices and other collective spaces (schools, hospitals, canteens and cinemas), and all those environments where sound quality of speech or music is fundamental in accordance to the project purposes, such as auditorium, conference halls, meeting rooms, restaurants and bars.